Cultural activities
You can find all you need to know about cultural activities on the Zarautz Tourist Information website – www.turismozarautz.com
Guitar Festival
Accordion Cultural Week
Crafts Fair
International Jazz Week
·Zarautz: Festival of the Virgin: 14th – 17th of August. Concerts, regattas, pelota matches around the festival of the virgin, August’s Virgin.
·Euskal Jaiak: The Basque Festival. September. The summer season closes with folkloric acts.
·Getaria: Txakoli Day. 17th of September. The new harvest is presented during San Antón’s day.
·San Salvador: 6th of August. Festivities for the local saint’s day. Every four years locals act out Elkano’s landing after completing his round the world trip.
.Aia: Saint John (San Juan): 24th of June. Romería in the chapel of Saint John the Baptist, which is attended by mothers with their children to be blessed.
.Zumaia: International Music Festival: August. Concerts and courses are carried out with students from all across Europe.
.Orio: Day of the Sea Bream: Third Sunday in June. The local restaurants compete in a grilled sea bream competition.
Sporting Activities
You can take part in the following activities:
Golf: El Real Golf Club de Zarautz www.golfZarautz.com
Surf: Zarautz is known for its beach and perfect waves for surfing
Frontón (Pelota Court)
Scuba Diving
Sports Centres
Municipal sports centre. All facilities are open to the public, including:
Heated adults’ pool
Heated children’s pool
Sauna, Jacuzzi, Gym.
Monday; Lazkao, Errenteria, Ataun, Arretxabaleta, Gernika*, Tolosa.
Tuesday: In Azpeitia’s villages*, Andoain and Beasain.
Wednesday; Eibar, Lasarte, Usurbil, Ordizia*, Alegia.
Thursday; Hernani (afternoon), Elgoibar, Zumaia, Urretxu, Segura, Orio, Lezo, Soraluze.
Friday; Arrasate, Getaria, Zestoa, Legazpia, Mutriku, Eskoriatza, Anoeta, Urnieta.
Saturday; Irun, Andoain, Tolosa, Zumaia, Oñati, Zarautz (2nd Saturday of the month)
Sunday; Donosti (Anoeta), Errenteria (Beraun)
* The best fairs.
Zarautz Museums
Zarautz Art and History Museum:
Basque Photography Museum:
The quality of Basque cuisine is world-renowned and one of their most famous chefs lives in Zarautz. Karlos Arguiñano – www.hotelka.com -. You can enjoy a varied cuisine and drink Txakoli, a typical local product, in Zarautz and its surroundings
San Sebastián
Main holiday: 20th of January. The day of their saint is celebrated by the sound of the drum and with a fine meal in a gastronomic society.
Jazz Festival: July. Concerts on the beach to enjoy the start of the summer between music and sand.
The Big Week: 15th of August. Fireworks over the Concha’s bay, dances, concerts… A week filled with activities to enjoy with family or friends.
International Film Festival: End of September. The glamour of the stars invades the city.
Horror Film Festival: October.
Santo Tomás: 21st of December. Txistorra is eaten throughout the streets of the city.